
Sanakata Hara Chaturdi

Ganesh Chaturthi Vrat falls on the fourth day of the fortnight. There are two Chaturthis in every month as per Hindu calendar. While the one falling during Krishna Paksha is known as Sankashti Chaturthi, the other falling during Shukla Paksha is known as Vinayaka Chaturthi. Vinayaka Chaturthi is observed as a fasting day.

Though there are twelve Ganesh Chaturthis in a year, one of these Chaturthis is observed as a very popular festival. All the other Chaturthis are observed as fasting days. Given below, are the further details required for the Vinayaka Chaturthi fast.

It is said that while Ganesha always blesses his devotees with luck and wisdom, he blesses them with prosperity as well, on this day. It is also said that girls observing this fast get good luck in marriage. Hence, there is a tradition to observe a fast on this day.

Here are other benefits of observing Ganesh Chathurthi Vrat:

Everyone wants a healthy and prosperous life. When you offer prayers to Lord Ganesha, you tend to work towards achieving success. You will find that your determination towards achieving your goals is elevated.
Good fortune
Lord Ganesha is also known for blessing the devotees with good fortune and wealth. If you will dedicatedly worship Lord Ganesha, you will surely achieve fortune, and will never return empty-handed. It will become easy for you to work your way towards an abundance of wealth and power in your life.
The elephant head of Lord Ganesha stands for wisdom. So, if you worship Lord Ganesha, you are likely to gain wisdom.
Destroy all your obstacles
Lord Ganesha is known as Vighnaharta. So, when you worship Lord Ganesha with complete faith, he guides you towards the right path. He gives you the courage to conquer your fears and overcome all obstacles in your life.

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