Maasa Shivarathri Abhishekam
On the day of Masik Shivratri, the devotee takes a holy bath and sets up the altar early in the morning. If an idol of Shiva or Lingam is available, then the devotee can perform abhishek with Ganga water, milk, curds, ghee, honey, turmeric powder, vibhuti, rosewater and other fragrant materials. If lingam or Shiva idol is not available, then the picture of Shiva is decorated with sandal paste, vermilion and flowers. The best materials to offer Lord Shiva are incense sticks, blowing of conch, ringing of bells, Prasad made at home, coconut and fragrant flowers. At the end of the puja, arati is done and concluded with prayers and namaskar. Ideally, the puja is done during midnight on this day.
Masik Shivratri Fasting Rules
The devotees fast all through the day and night of Masik Shivratri and conclude the fast only on the next morning. Some of the regulations during the day include Shiv puja at home in the morning and night, visiting Shiva temples, chanting the names of Lord Shiva and keeping vigil during the night. ..